Author name: Kevin Dubois

Synchronize between Subversion and Git using Continuous Integration Pipelines and Containers

I recently worked on a project for a client that (still) uses Subversion for their code repositories. Unfortunately they had no real short-term interested in migrating their code to Git, which left the team without such goodies as merge/pull requests, easy branching and all the other advantages that Git provides. Git actually has a built-in

Synchronize between Subversion and Git using Continuous Integration Pipelines and Containers Read More »

[SOLVED] Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot upgrade: Waiting for Network Configuration

I upgraded my Ubuntu desktop yesterday from 10.04 to 11.10 and ran into some pretty significant problems.  If you get an error saying ‘Waiting for Network Configuration’, and it sits there until it finally goes on to a black page, then try the following: CTRL+ALT+F1 should get you to the command line.  Do not try

[SOLVED] Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot upgrade: Waiting for Network Configuration Read More »

Curly Quote / Apostrophe in WordPress

When a user reported that some of my code snippets didn’t work I noticed that the apostrophes in WordPress are automatically changed to curly quotes. That obviously breaks the code when php tries to parse it. I did some googling and found a simple solution: The “Unfancy Quotes” plugin which can be found here:

Curly Quote / Apostrophe in WordPress Read More »

Group TD (table data) without using rowspan when left joining in mySQL

When outputting data from a database using left joins you often get redundant data in your output.  Say you have a table with vendor information, and a second table containing the customers for each vendor.  If you want to display a table with the vendor names and their customers, you’ll most likely want to use

Group TD (table data) without using rowspan when left joining in mySQL Read More »

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